
Who We Are

A creative, hardworking team dedicated to boosting businesses and energizing employees.

Our Mission

To empower organizations to plan, manage change and communicate in ways that are powerful, engaging and impactful.

Our Vision

Organizations that are strategic, effective, growth oriented and able to effectively tell their story.

JumpStart Believes

Understanding the information you receive and communicating information that can be easily understood are equally important. Never be afraid to ask for clarification.
Effective Communication is the Foundation of Business Success.

Consulting, informing and engaging the right people at the right time with the right messaging  is critical to achieving  positive outcomes.

Understanding “the why,” is the Key to Understanding.

Understanding the rationale behind anything — a behavior, decision, policy, process  -– increases tolerance and acceptance or provides the impetus for change.

There is Power in Teamwork.

Successful teams are founded on trust,  honesty, mutual respect, shared responsibility, compromise, appreciation and, of course, effective communication.  Humor and chocolate are also helpful.

People Remember Stories.

We make yours memorable.

Open Minds See New Opportunities.

We encourage creativity, innovation, and thinking out loud.

Talk Less; Listen More.

By nature, we do not listen to understand; we listen to respond.  The best communicators are great listeners and keen observers.

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